I have an overactive imagination. I often sit and concoct theories as to why Harley is the way he is. I know it’s genetic but is there a philosophical logic as to why he is the way he is?
I have concluded that Harley is a serial killer. Well maybe he was a serial killer in a past life. Now before you start judging me, I will enlighten you with evidence that Harley could be the new restoration of Ted Bundy, Charles Manson or even Aileen Mournos.
It all began several years ago when I spied Harley watching a horror film with my brothers. It was particularly gruesome and at the moments he should have been turning away and squirming like any sane person, Harley was laughing his head off. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.
A couple months later we sat down to watch Shaun of the Dead. The film begins and at the first bloody decapitation Harley is pissing himself laughing... Literally. After I clean him up and we resume watching the film, Harley is hysterical from woe to go. The bellowing laughter peaks at the sight of hanging limbs, slashing guts and through the climax of flesh eating to the tune of Queen. This has become Harley’s favourite movie of all time and he attended my 21st dress up party as a zombie.
His fascination with the macabre doesn’t stop there. The more B-grade and grisly the film the more he enjoys it. Dog Soldiers I believe is in the top 10 along with Planet Terror, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, and Resident Evil. He likes it when the film is a straight up gore fest and hates watching horror films that try to have a substantial story line. Forget the thrillers give him the slashers: Harley never turns away and watches with acute attentiveness for those cringe worthy moments. He rips apart laughing at the sight of some imagined creature ripping apart the body of its prey.
This is where my imagination takes over. I often see Harley trapped in his body. I imagine that he is a serial killer trapped in their and forced to see the world from a passengers perspective. Is he unable to talk and do anything for himself so that he is forced to experience love and compassion without being able to run away? Is it ironic that he is referred to as an Angel? Maybe this is his Karma. Or maybe it is just a genetic mutation. We all have our theories, mines just a little less romantic and a lot of far fetched.