
an Angelman

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Been away

Its been a long time since I posted my last blog. This is mostly due to the fact that I am away from home right now travelling.
Its when I am away that I realise how much I don't miss home but I miss Harley. There are certain aspects of him I will never miss such as cleaning up nappies, showering him and trying to get him to grocery shop. However Harley always reminds me of home and the craziness of my life. I guess when I am away I don't have that full on-ness that comes with Harley- I don't know how to relax. I crazily miss the spitting and the cups being thrown at my head, I miss his outrageous laugh and his personality.
I always think about Harley and wonder does he understand where I've gone and what I'm up to. I wonder if he knows what he's missing. Then I think wouldn't it be great if he could on a holiday with me, but this is impossible as he is just too difficult to take on holidays let alone a plane.
My Mum is away at the moment with me too and I have been watching her struggle to adjust with out Harley around. For the first time in 34 years she is having a holiday away from Australia, away from work and away from Harley. For the first couple  of days I watched her wake up and walk around my flat completely confused as to what to do with herself. She would make toast undisturbed, she could shower undisturbed, she could watch television undisturbed, she could even walk down the street without Harley dragging on her- a new concept to her. After a week of adjustment, she's coping fine though a little restless still.
I guess it's a good thing that my niece and her grandbaby was born this week, it will give her a whole different kind of nappy to change

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